to meet performance and sustainability targets


Why MainSky Asset Management?

Our owner-managed structure has guaranteed corporate and team stability since 2001. With a healthy mix of experienced portfolio managers with many years of professional experience and young, excellently trained employees, we can look back on consistently good portfolio results and a high level of stability, especially in times of crisis.

Dr. Eckhard Schulte

MainSky Founder

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We are active portfolio managers and implement our market opinion independently and free of other interests in our portfolios. We live our motto "It is not the wind but the sail that determines the direction" and react flexibly and quickly to changes in the wind conditions on the capital market.

Daniel DUarte


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We regularly publish the results of our in-house primary research, which form the basis for our investment decisions, in our blog. This allows you, as an investor, to transparently understand the direction in MainSky mandates at any time.

Dr. Adolf Rosenstock

Chief Economist

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What can we do for you?

Our family has been working with MainSky for many years – the exchange is always inspiring and MainSky excels at filtering the relevant things and getting to the heart of them, despite the increasing complexity in our world. The results are correspondingly impressive.
In over a decade of cooperation, MainSky has brought our portfolio safely through all market phases with foresight and smart active portfolio management. In addition to the processes and people, we are also convinced that MainSky, like us, actively and meaningfully lives the topic of sustainability.


Beste Vermögensverwalter 2021

Die Wirtschaftswoche hat MainSky im Rahmen eines exklusiven Rankings zu einem der besten Vermögensverwalter 2021 gekürt. Von 1.338 untersuchten Portfolios von über 480 Anbietern konnte der MainSky Macro Allocation Fund in der Anlagekategorie „Dynamisch 3 Jahre“ einen hervorragenden fünften Platz erzielen.

UN PRI Signatory

MainSky ist seit 2021 offizieller Unterzeichner der UN Principles for Responsible Investments und zeigt damit seine Verpflichtung gegenüber nachhaltigen Anlageprinzipien.

>> signatory directory

Top-Vermögensverwalter im Capital-Test

Die MainSky Asset Management AG wurde im Vermögensverwalter-Test von „Capital“ 2020 als „Top Vermögensverwalter“ in der Depotklasse „konservative Anlagestrategien“ mit der Bestnote von fünf Sternen ausgezeichnet.