Active Portfolio Management
In line with our philosophy „Not the wind but the sail determines the direction", we engage in active portfolio management, which consistently adjusts the portfolios in line with the cyclical financial market environment. We make use of our degrees of freedom so that depending on the market phase, significant shifts in the weightings of the individual asset classes or market segments can be expected over time.
Top-Down Analysis as performance driver
The core expertise of MainSky lies in anticipating the structural and cyclical economic situation within the framework of a macro or top-down analysis and to adjust the portfolio structure accordingly. The analysis process is supported by specially proprietary quantitative models. Nevertheless, the model is not the only input that underpins investment decisions. There is always an economic interpretation of all information, in order to arrive at a comprehensive market view.
Dynamic adjustment of portfolio risk
Risk management is an integral part of our the investment process. Since the correlations of asset classes depend on the respective market phase and are constantly changing, MainSky actively manages risk utilization depending on the financial market environment. A static portfolio construction, which exclusively focuses on diversification in order to minimize losses, is insufficient in today's financial market environment.
Multidimensional risk management
Besides the determination of the 'classical' risk indicators MainSky focuses on multidimensionality in risk management to analyze the portfolio from different perspectives. A further element of MainSky risk management is e.g. the portfolio stress test. This allows to simulate extreme scenarios which cannot be captured by classical VaR methods. In addition, MainSky carries out Principal Component Analyses for the portfolios. These identify the systemic return and risk drivers and show to what extent a portfolio structure is balanced.
Own, independent Research
Based on the vast experience of the MainSky team, we have developed our own research, which is the basis for investment decisions. Since our research is completely independent - i.e. it does not serve any business policy guidelines - we can identify attractive markets in any market situation without bias and act exclusively in the interest of our investors. The advantage of this approach is reflected in our performance.
MainSky Blog
Our Mainsky Blog is the central platform on which our research contributions are published. Clearly structured according to different topics, you can read our opinion and our approaches to solutions here. This ensures a high level of transparency - an important asset for us. Interested parties can be inspired and investors can transparently follow the orientation in the MainSky mandates.